100% Carbon Double Bias 4oz cloth - Per M


Carbon Double Bias Cloth  is a two (2) layer fabric consisting of carbon fibre laid down parallel in the -45° and + 45° axes. This fabric is used where complex contours and curved surfaces make other fabrics hard to laminate.

Double Bias Carbon Cloth can help with impact, fatigue and structural durability. 

How to apply

It's generally used as a layer under the final layer of fiberglass.

  • Mark out where you want it to sit on the board
  • Cut the cloth to size
  • Paint a thin layer of resin to hold it in place
  • Then laminate over the top

Note: If it's your first time using an inlay, take care when sanding over the edges as the edges will be raised slightly, Carbon Double Bias  can be used with all resins.

Popular placements for the Carbon Double Bias include:-

  • Back rails - to prevent the tails from shattering and strengthening the deck from foot compression
  • Bottom of the board - along the stringer for flex patterns
  • Full board - give your board a different look and feel 
  • In Lays - decks of board to increase impact strength  

Width:             25 inch and 50 inch  widths

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